【KOWA】 Colgen Kowa liquid cold medicine 30ml x 3 bottles

*Maoto* has long been used to treat *coldness、* *fever、* and *swelling pain* at the beginning of a cold、 and is known to be highly effective for these symptoms.
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Kolgen Kowa liquid cold medicine is a liquid type cold medicine that contains *Maoto*、 a Chinese medicine prescription.
*Maoto* has long been used to treat *coldness、* *fever、* and *swelling pain* at the beginning of a cold、 and is known to be highly effective for these symptoms.

[Efficacy and effect]
The following symptoms for those who are physically strong、 have a cold at the beginning、 feel chilly、 have a fever、 have a headache、 have a cough、 have sore ankles、 and are not sweating: cold、 head cold、 bronchitis、 nasal congestion.

90mL of this product (30mL x 3 bottles) contains 81mL of maoto extract extracted from the following herbal medicines.
● Additives: sucrose、 paraben、 fragrance、 ethanol、 propylene glycol

[Dosage and dosage]
Shake the following amount before or between meals before taking.
・ Adults (15 years old and over) … 1 bottle once、 3 times a day
・Children under the age of 5: Do not take
*Between meals means *between meals*、 for example between breakfast and lunch. It is not meant to be taken during meals.

● Precautions related to usage and dosage
・Strictly follow the usage and dosage.
・Because this drug essentially contains sediment、 shake the bottle well before taking.

[Precautions for use]
Something you can not do
(If you do not follow these precautions、 your current symptoms may worsen、 and side effects and accidents may easily occur.)
●The following people should not take this product.
・Physically frail people (physically weakened people、 physically weak people).
●Take this medicine for a short period of time、 and do not use it continuously.

● The following people should consult a doctor、 pharmacist or registered salesperson before taking this medicine.
(1) Persons receiving medical treatment from a doctor
(2) Pregnant women or those who are considered to be pregnant.
(3) People with gastrointestinal weakness.
(4) Persons with a marked tendency to sweat.
(5) Elderly
(6) Those who have ever had rash、 redness、 itching、 etc. due to medicine etc.
(7) Persons with the following symptoms.
・Swelling、 difficulty urinating
(8) A person who has received the following diagnosis.
・Hypertension、 heart disease、 kidney disease、 thyroid dysfunction

●If the following symptoms appear after taking this medicine、 they may be side effects.
・Skin: rash、 redness、 itching
・Digestive system: nausea、 loss of appetite、 stomach discomfort
・Others: Excessive sweating、 general weakness

In rare cases、 the following serious symptoms may occur. In that case、 please consult a doctor immediately.
・Pseudoaldosteronism、 myopathy: In addition to sluggishness、 numbness、 tightness and stiffness in the hands and feet、 weakness and muscle pain appear and gradually become stronger.

●If symptoms do not improve after taking this medicine 5 to 6 times、 discontinue use and consult a doctor、 pharmacist、 or registered salesperson、 holding the outer packaging of the product.

[Precautions for storage and handling]
・Avoid high temperatures and store in a cool、 dry place out of direct sunlight.
・Keep out of reach of children.
・Do not replace with other containers. (It may cause misuse or change the quality.)
・Do not take products that have passed the expiration date (listed on the outer box and label).
・Please drink up after opening the bottle.
・Do not store with the bottle open.
More Information
Japanese Product Name【興和】 コルゲンコーワ液体かぜ薬 30ml×3本